13 Objects from History with Mysterious Origins

History is filled with fascinating tales and relics from bygone eras. While many of these relics can be traced back to their creators or cultures, others defy explanation. Here are some intriguing historical objects with enigmatic or unknown origins.

The Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism was unearthed from a shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera in 1901. It is estimated to have been constructed between 200 BCE and 100 BCE. This complex device, consisting of over 30 meshing bronze gears, is believed to have been used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendrical and astrological purposes. Despite extensive studies, the identity of its maker and the exact methods of operation and assembly remain shrouded in mystery.

The Baghdad Battery

The artifact known as the Baghdad Battery was discovered in 1936 in the village of Khuyut Rabbou’a, near Baghdad, Iraq. It consists of a 5-inch-tall clay jar, a copper cylinder, and an iron rod. Some historians and scientists speculate that it might have been used for electroplating or medicinal purposes, though no definitive evidence supports these theories. The lack of similar artifacts from the region adds to its enigmatic status.

The Rongorongo Scripts

On the remote Easter Island, the Rongorongo scripts are a series of glyphs carved into wooden tablets discovered in the 19th century. These intricate carvings are one of the few instances of a written language in Oceania and remain undeciphered to this day. The function of these scripts, whether used for religious, ceremonial, or practical record-keeping, continues to elude researchers, enhancing their mystique.

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript, a book dated to the 15th century and purchased by Wilfrid Voynich in 1912, is an elaborately illustrated codex written in a completely unknown language or script. The book contains hundreds of botanical, anatomical, and astronomical illustrations that do not correspond easily to known species or celestial models, making it one of the most mysterious documents ever discovered. Despite efforts by professional cryptographers, including those who cracked the Enigma code in World War II, the text remains undeciphered.

The Shugborough Inscription

Carved onto the 18th-century Shepherd’s Monument on the Shugborough Estate in Staffordshire, England, the Shugborough Inscription comprises a sequence of eight letters: “O U O S V A V V.” Theories about its meaning range from biblical references to coded inscriptions pointing to the location of the Holy Grail. However, no interpretation has gained wide acceptance, and the inscription continues to be a source of fascination and speculation.

The Ulfberht Swords

Dating from the 9th to 11th centuries, the Ulfberht swords represent a pinnacle of Viking Age weaponry. These swords are distinguished by their use of crucible steel, which gives them strength and flexibility far superior to other swords of their time. The precise techniques and origins of the steel, marked with the inscription “+ULFBERH+T,” indicate a level of metallurgical skill not commonly associated with that era, leading to ongoing debates about their mysterious craftsmanship.

The Maine Penny

The Maine Penny, also known as the Goddard coin, is a Norse coin found at a Native American settlement in Maine in 1957. Dating back to the reign of Olaf Kyrre (1067-1093 CE), its presence in North America suggests transatlantic contact between Norse explorers and indigenous peoples long before Christopher Columbus’s voyages. The circumstances of how this Norse artifact ended up in Maine remain unresolved, stirring discussions about pre-Columbian transatlantic interaction.

The Iron Pillar of Delhi

Standing 23 feet high in the Qutb complex in Delhi, the Iron Pillar dates back to the 4th century CE and showcases a level of metallurgical expertise that is particularly notable for its corrosion resistance. The pillar bears a Sanskrit inscription attributed to King Chandragupta II. It has baffled scientists with its rust-resistant composition, believed to be due to the high phosphorus content in the iron. The precise details of its construction and the reasons for its exceptional durability are still not fully understood, adding to its intrigue.

The Roman Dodecahedra

Discovered scattered across various parts of Europe, the Roman Dodecahedra are small, hollow objects made from bronze or stone. They feature a geometric pattern of twelve flat pentagonal faces. The function of these artifacts, which date from the 2nd to 4th century CE, remains a subject of speculation. Some theories suggest they were used as measuring devices or religious objects, but no conclusive evidence has confirmed their true purpose.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly

In 2011, sonar scans revealed a mysterious formation on the seabed of the Baltic Sea. Due to its unusual shape and patterns, some have likened it to a sunken ship or even a UFO. This object, often called the “Baltic Sea Anomaly,” has sparked numerous theories and investigations, but its true nature and origin are still not definitively understood.

The Dispilio Tablet

Unearthed in 1993 near the village of Dispilio in Greece, this wooden tablet features an undeciphered script that is thought to date back to around 5200 BCE. If confirmed, this could significantly predate the earliest known writing systems in Europe, potentially rewriting a part of human history regarding writing development.

The Dogū Figurines

Dogū are small humanoid figurines crafted during the prehistoric Jōmon period of Japan, distinguished by their intricate detail and exaggerated facial features, including large, goggle-like eyes. Their enigmatic shapes and features have fueled theories ranging from representations of ancient deities to evidence of contact with extraterrestrial beings.

The Phaistos Disk

The Phaistos Disk, discovered in the early 20th century in the Minoan palace of Phaistos on the island of Crete, is a clay disc imprinted with a spiral of stamped symbols that remain undeciphered. This artifact continues challenging scholars who debate its purpose—from a religious text to a simple game. Its true meaning and the identity of its creators are still unknown.

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